Who is the @BaoMan?

5 min readJan 26, 2021

A collection of conversations from the $BAO discord chat on the origins of the BaoMan himself

As an anonymous founder of the $BAO project, there is little known about the BaoMan except from his responses in the $BAO discord channel. What follows is an assortment of FAQs regarding his background, coding experience, advice, and other random discussions with his fellow baomen.

Humble Bao-ginnings

When asked about his background as a founder

When asked about his prior experience

Is this BaoMan’s first project in crypto?

When asked about his coding experience

What code does BaoMan have for synthetic assets?

Did he make the Disney movie?

How did BaoMan come up with all the entree names?

What timezone does BaoMan live in?

Has Andre called yet?

On the definition of “gucci”

Is BaoMan full time on the project?

When asked how BaoMan manages his time between the discord channel and development

Credit @qt

On spending your life savings on $BAO

On morality

On dim sum and productivity

Where are the pools?


On the choice of a three-year vesting period

On the inception of the project

When asked about a future whitepaper

Who is the other dev?

Expectations for future devs

Wen audit?

Which auditors?

When asked about cutting the decimal places

Wen synths?

How does BaoMan split his time?

On notable mentors

Advice for solidity noobs

Y no Telegram?

$BAO mission statement in one sentence

On possibility of new UI

On grant from Sushi

Y this look like Sushiswap?

When asked about AMM integrating with Sushi

Parlez-vouz francais?

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

When asked about reducing the number of coins outstanding

Questions about Sushi partnership

On preventing $BAO hacks

